
Lexmark T644 950.10 NV RAM failure error

更新時間:2024/9/26 7:47:58,view:583


I get this error after after I replaced the operator panel assembly for a Lexmark T644. Now the op panel is working well but I get this 950.10 error. Does this mean that I should replace the system board too? Can someone please help!

常見故障問題解答  2010-3-14 15:37:42 
 on the t64x models the nvram resides on the op panel , the system card , and the interconnect board. i would ask why you had to replace the op panel before i could really comment these models also use a process called nvram mirroring where the nvram settings are copied to the replacment module when it is replaced and once this has happened the part cant be swapped to another printer so im thinking you have either got a used or faulty op panel depending on the original fault. you could also have a faulty system card but be carefull, you cant replace both parts at the same time or you stuff the nvram mirror procedure and render the printer useless, if you must replace the system card put the old op panel in first power the printer on till it stops making start up noises or comes to ready then power off and then replace op panel if needed


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