
Epson Stylus Color 740 printer "EJL 1284.4" error

更新時間:2024/11/20 22:27:28,view:333


I recently replaced my black ink cartridge on my Epson Stylus Color 740 printer. After I replaced the cartridge, it printed once fine. The next time I tried to print, it printed several lines in the upper left corner, beginning with "EJL 1284.4" and then followed by some strange symbols. It does this every time I try to print. I have tried installing a new driver from epson.com, but I still can't get it to print correctly. The replacement ink cartridge is non-epson. Does anyone have any suggestions?

epson常見故障問題解答  2010-8-13 22:45:02 
 Ok. This might be something that may, but probably will not, fry your printer... So do it at your won risk...
There should ba a .GPD file that came with your drivers... Find it in your WINDOWS directory (it's in some subdirectory, not root WINDOWS)... After you find the file, open it in notepad... Do a search for "EJL"... Then delete the string in question form the line you found it in... Save file... Try to print... (Maybe do a backup of the file before you save it)...
It worked for me... Will it work for you?

技術(shù) sdjrxw 發(fā)表于 2023/10/6



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2024/6/25 8:45:32
