更新時間:2024/10/24 11:57:41,view:1139佳能打印機MP230蘇州佳能打印機售后服務中心客服熱線69616769,蘇州佳能售后電話,佳能售后網(wǎng)點, 佳能MP230支持代碼1401, canonmp230打印機黃色警燈一直閃爍,是什么問題?, CanonMP230支持代碼b200, canonmp230黑色彩色顯示燈黃閃, 佳能MP230三角電壓標志亮了是什么意思,維修視頻
佳能 MP230 打印測試頁提示支持代碼:5011 5011一般在運輸途中打印頭遭到損壞,或掃描部件損壞
code5011 Other cases than above:
Turn off the machine, unplug the power cord of the machine from the power supply.
Plug the machine back in and turn the machine back on.
If the problem is not resolved, contact the service center.
t> code5011 Other cases than above:
Turn off the machine, unplug the power cord of the machine from the power supply.
Plug the machine back in and turn the machine back on.
If the problem is not resolved, contact the service center.