更新時間:2024/10/20 7:53:49,view:182打印機M620蘇州打印機售后服務(wù)中心客服熱線69616769,蘇州客服中心電話,打印機蘇州維修部,打印機蘇州廠家電話, 松下FLM653CN出現(xiàn)CHANGEDRUM, Hpm605機器提示套件維護嚴重不足, sharpAR-m620npcl6發(fā)生錯誤:代碼E7-02, KX-FLM653CN打印機掃描紅燈一直亮, 松下KX-FLM678CN呼叫維修3如何清除,維修視頻
技術(shù) zh66yon 發(fā)表于 2023/3/6 L4-03定影馬達出錯 is a fusing motor error. With the age of the machine I wouldn't be surprised if it's finally gone bad. Could also be the small PCU sub board located under the covers in the front of the transport unit. Suspect the fusing motor is a better suspect