
蘇州維修,售后電話 > 維修資料 > 施樂 > 蘇州施樂2065售后維修電話696l6769 > 正文


更新時間:2025/2/10 19:03:44,view:101


施樂2065打印機報錯:010-397Rebootprinter ,010-397 Fuser Error(定影錯誤)Message on these machines is a pretty generic error that can mean several different things. If you want a more precise message the press the down arrow, up arrow, an d the OK button. If done correctly the machine will give you a better idea of how to troubleshoot the problem. Overheat errors, turn the machine off an d let it sit 15 to 20 minutes then try again. Low temp errors, turn the machine off then back on. Sometimes low heat errors can be easily fixed, however if it does it more than once then check the power source o r replace the fusing assembly. Other errors follow the troubleshooting steps below.


相關(guān)資料補充_蘇州施樂維修點客服電話_2065維修手冊_錯誤代碼:010-397Rebootprinter0512-69616769 更新日期2025/2/10 19:06:09,,施樂,2065

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