更新時間:2024/11/19 9:56:41,view:277三星打印機M2876蘇州三星打印機售后服務中心客服熱線69616769,蘇州三星售后電話,三星售后網(wǎng)點, 三星M2876HN打印機紅燈閃爍, 三星m2876HN總是報卡紙, 三星m2876hn打印機清零軟件, 三星打印機m2876感嘆號, 三星m2876hn提示非三星原裝耗,維修視頻
Code U1-2320, U1-2330, U1-2340
Display Error # Turn off then on
The temperature control of fuser unit is abnormal. (U1-2320 : Open Heat Error / U1-2330 : Low Heat Error / U1-2340 : Over Heat Error)
1) Turn the machine off. Re-install the fuser unit. Then turn the machine on. Is the error message is disappeared?
2) If the problem persists, turn the machine off and remove the fuser unit.
a) Check if the fuser connector is connected properly.
b) Check if the input voltage is normal.
c) Check if the thermistor is twisted or contaminated.
3) After confirming continuity in the fuser connector and the problem still exists; order an SMPS/HVPS and Fuser Unit and install as is necessary.
三星M2876提示#U1-2330是什么意思 2019/8/17 hhcnt1
李 2019/8/17 hhcnt2
孫 2019/8/17 hhcnt1
孔 2019/8/17 hhcnt2
馮究嵇 2019/8/17 好帖,頂你
馮究嵇 2019/8/17 褚縷趄 2019/8/17 學習了,繼續(xù)研究
孫勤鏤 2019/8/17 好帖,頂你
小馬 2019-8-17 不錯啊
三星m2876進紙卡紙 手機用戶219.13.*.* 2021-4-26 三星M2876HN 錯誤:#U1-2330
三星m2876錯誤提示 孔徙蔥 2021-4-26 U1-2330定影壞了。更換