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東芝2006售后技術論壇 酷愛 2018/8/1 8:27:55 蘇州維修電話696l6769
 東芝2006 出現(xiàn)C911故障

東芝2006售后技術論壇 吴顶忠 2018/8/1 9:09:14 蘇州維修電話696l6769
Toner cartridge IC chip access board abnormality (caused by factors other than C910)
Toner cartridge LGC board HRNS-LGC-TNRIC-140 CTIF board HRNS-TNRIC-140
1 Does non-genuine toner cartridge display appear when the front cover is opened and closed? Yes Use the genuine toner cartridge. 2 No 2 2 Toner cartridge ?Check the phenomenon by removing the toner cartridges (Y, M, C and K) and reinserting them. ?Check that the CTRG board of each cartridge (Y, M, C and K) is installed properly. 3 Contact point on the equipment side Check that the spring of the contact point for each color (Y, M, C and K) is not deformed. 4 Is the spring of the contact point returned when it is pushed lightly? Yes No ?Check that the CTIF board is installed properly. ?Board check 7 Notes: The spring of the contact point may be released if you push the toner cartridge all the way in when an abnormality occurs. 5 LGC board ?Connector check (CN364) ?Board check 6 HRNS-LGC-TNRIC-140 ?Relay connector check (J556, J557, J558, J559) ?Harness check 7 CTIF board for each color (Y, M, C and K) ?Check that the board is installed properly. ?Board check 8 HRNS-TNRIC-140 for each color (Y, M, C and K) ?Connector check ?Harness check


相關資料補充_蘇州東芝維修點售后電話_2006維修手冊_錯誤代碼0512-69616769 更新日期2025/2/2 9:49:29,,東芝,2006

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