更新時間:2025/1/22 16:05:36,view:1564佳能打印機C5255蘇州佳能打印機售后服務中心客服熱線69616769,蘇州佳能售后電話,佳能售后網點, 佳能C5255錯誤代碼E00007, 佳能c5255故障代碼e000075-0003, 佳能C5255錯誤代碼E000020-0191,維修視頻
佳能C5255復印機出現代碼E000075—0103什么意思,E075 error code refers to the ITB belt shifting front to rear of the machine an d can not compensate. There are two causes that will make this happen.
a) The machine that is not level
b) Uneven thickness of the ITB belt from front to rear.
佳能c5255打印漏墨 手機用戶125.75.*.* 2020-8-30 佳能打印機錯誤代碼顯示E00075—0003
佳能c5255打印臟 朱翔奔 2020-8-30 E075轉印自檢異常,位置不對。
手機用戶39.144.*.* 發(fā)表于 2023-5-8 佳能打印機出現e000075-0103
技術 許衷醒 發(fā)表于 2023-5-9 E075轉印問題 error code refers to the ITB belt shifting front to rear of the machine , can not compensate. There are two causes that will make this happen.
技術 tashirs 發(fā)表于 2024/3/21 更換轉印帶省事
a) The machine that is not level
b) Uneven thickness of the ITB belt from front to rear.
