

更新時間:2024/10/26 8:11:46,view:212


C3803 ERROR problem with the fusing unit. This is the assembly that gets hot and "fuses" the toner onto your paper. This error code means that the fusing unit did not warm up properly. You will need to have a service company come out to diagnose and repair the problem then reset this code as service mode entry is required in order to reset. It could be as simple as cleaning the thermistor, replacing the thermistor, thermal fuse etc. I would estimate the cost at around $200.00.
Here is the section from the service manual that deals with this code:
Thermistor /1 (TH1) detects a low
temperature when a specified
period of time elapses after the
fusing heater lamp is turned ON
for the fusing ON control.科美751出代碼c-3803




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