更新時間:2024/11/21 12:07:05,view:201施樂打印機4127蘇州施樂打印機售后服務中心客服熱線69616769,蘇州施樂售后電話,施樂售后網(wǎng)點, 施樂4127顯影倉漏粉, 施樂4127093-311, 施樂4127出010-330是什么問題, 施樂4127印幾張停一會, 施樂4127報警010-330,維修視頻
富士施樂4127代碼092-311,開機跳代碼092-311 提示系統(tǒng)錯誤請重新開機,反復幾次后能正常啟動,然后一整天都能正常工作。第二天一早同樣又會經(jīng)歷一次092-311 供粉電機故障,檢查下粉量傳感器。
蘇州維修電話696l6769,維修,售后服務092-311 ADC Toner Image Fail
The condition causing ADC Patch Fail has occurred continuously.
The density of the image on the Drum surface is very light. E.g.: Cin 100%<1.0
IOT (charge to development) failure
Low TC
ADC Sensor sensitivity error due to improper installation
ADC Patch was scraped off from Transfer Belt, etc.
技術 iPhone13 發(fā)表于 2024/7/15 大概率是副粉倉攪拌阻力過大,打開副粉倉檢查攪拌傳感器,估計哪里已經(jīng)斷了,還有就是代用粉,原裝粉的話,一般副粉倉不會報這個代碼!
蘇州維修電話696l6769,維修,售后服務092-311 ADC Toner Image Fail
The condition causing ADC Patch Fail has occurred continuously.
The density of the image on the Drum surface is very light. E.g.: Cin 100%<1.0
IOT (charge to development) failure
Low TC
ADC Sensor sensitivity error due to improper installation
ADC Patch was scraped off from Transfer Belt, etc.