
蘇州辦公設(shè)備網(wǎng)> 維修資料 > 柯美 > 蘇州柯美C360售后維修電話696l6769> 蘇州柯美打印機維修服務網(wǎng)


更新時間:2024/11/17 9:08:10,view:296


柯美C360復印機出現(xiàn)C-3821代碼,Code C3821 (定影低溫錯誤)
Fusing abnormally low temperature detection (heating side)
The heating roller thermistor continues to detect a temperature lower than a predetermined one for a predetermined period of time.
In the states other than a warm-up operation, a zero cross signal cannot be detected after the lapse of a predetermined period of time after the fusing heater is turned ON o r OFF.
The power supply frequency cannot be detected.
1 Check the fusing unit for correct installation (whether it is secured in position).
2 Check the open/close operation of the upper right door.
3 Check the fusing unit, PRCB an d DCPU for proper connection an d correct o r change as necessary.
4 Change fusing unit.
5 Change PRCB.
6 Change DCPU.



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2024/6/7 8:13:16