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更新時間:2025/2/12 17:13:13,view:272


施樂c5005led 彩色打印機出錯誤代碼093-324

093-324 Deve Y,M,C Motor Fail BSD-ON: CH9.3
The Deve Motor(Y,M,C) revolution failure was detected.
NOTE: When turning the power OFF turn OFF the Power Switch first and then the Main Power Switch.
Procedure Turn the power OFF and remove the Front Cover. Remove the Drum(Y,M,C) and the Developer(Y,M, C) and cheat the Front Cover Interlock Switch.
Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON DC330 [093-022](Deve Drive Motor Y,M,C).
Does the Deve Drive Motor(Y,M,C) rotate?
YN Turn the power OFF and remove the Rear Upper Cover. Turn the power ON.
Is the voltage between the MD PWB J526-7(+) and the GND(-)+24VDC?
YN Go to Power FIP.
is the voltage between the MD PWB J527-B16(+) and the GND(-)+5VDc?
Go to Power FIP.
Turn the power OFF and check the connections between the MD PWB J526 and the Deve Drive Motor(Y,M,C)J251, as well as between the MD PWB J527 and the Deve Drive Motor(Y,M,C)
J252 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence: Deve Drive Motor(Y,M,C)(PL3.3b)
MD PWB(PL 18.2b) MCU PWB(PL 18.2b Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF. Install the Drum(Y,M,C), the Developer(Y,M,C), and the Front Cover.
Turn the power ON and enter the Diag mode. Turn ON DC330 [093-022](Deve Drive Motor Y,M,C).
Does the Deve Drive Motor(Y,M,C) rotate?
Y N Check the Developer(Y,M,C) for loading.
Press the Stop button and turn the power OFF. Check the connection between the Deve Drive Motor
(Y,M,C)J252-8 and the MD PWB J527-B9 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
· MD PWB(PL18.2b)
· MCU PWB(PL 18.2b) 蘇州施樂c5005led售后維修電話696l6769,企業(yè)一站式服務,上門維修,耗材配送



相關資料補充_蘇州施樂維修點客服電話_c5005led維修手冊_錯誤代碼093-3240512-69616769 更新日期2025/2/12 17:29:55,,施樂,5005

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